Careful Consideration.

I’m resigned to the fact that in life, there are some things I’ll never understand. 

It’s said that history is the best teacher, but it’s painfully apparent there are very few students. 

So often it seems the masses exercise willful ignorance, blindly rushing headlong into a future destined to costly, completely avoidable mistakes. As though the less than satisfactory results are the goal! Why?? Regardless of outcome, the results are deemed “Progress”.  Declared the “New normal.” Really?? 

On an individual level, problems are often very complex and it’s seldom that one person’s circumstances are identical to another, and yet there are almost always lessons that if properly modified, adapted and applied could greatly enhance the chance of a more positive resolution in the future. It seems however that far too many are convinced that their problem is unique, perhaps far worse, and any counsel provided is old news, out of touch, inapplicable - consequently ignored.

How about the results driven approach? Did a previous effort produce satisfactory results? If not, why not? What should be done differently? Yet so often the original course of action is repeated time and again with identical results. It would only make sense to continue in this fashion if you were attempting to validate consistency, not trying to improve an outcome.

Age brings a wealth of experience. The wise individual takes note of both positive and negative lessons throughout life and applies that knowledge as needed during the ensuing years. It often improves quality of life as one ages and may even have some positive bearing on longevity. Sadly though, when trying to offer some nugget of counsel where it could be aptly applied to the circumstances of a junior acquaintance, it is rebuffed or at best respectfully acknowledged but quietly disregarded.

I get the feeling sometimes that younger generations often go in diametrically opposite directions from prior, simply because they can, not for any credible reason. They persist in this to their own detriment. They whine that life has become so difficult and then wonder why! Clearly adherence to time proven principals could have and would have produced far more satisfactory results, yet they staunchly deny the obvious and proceed resolutely down their predetermined, self destructive path. It makes no sense to me. 

This smacks of a grumpy old man’s diatribe against change and younger generations, but it truly isn’t! I’m an advocate for progress - where it makes sense. I love younger folks, I was one once! I’ve been learning a great deal by listening to several recently. Some very thought provoking discussions. 

I’m simply trying to understand why historical evidence, and lessons learned have been relegated to the ash heap of irrelevant by so much of society? By whose authority are we instructed to disregard the past? Will history every again be recognized for the invaluable gift that it truly is? Will the wisdom gleaned from experience ever again be considered worthy to illuminate the future?

I sincerely hope so. 

Consider your vote carefully. 

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